Andrew Paterson is a (revered) Adjunct Professor of Strategy, Innovation & Entrepreneurship. He taught at INSEAD, HEC, LBS, and RBS and is currently at EDHEC & KEDGE. His teaching is unconventional and is based on mistakes and real-life utility. He founded, co-founded, advised, or invested in Birdseye, NextSteps, Mapstr, Laneo, GuidiGO, Burrow Ventures, Doblet, SharePay, IDEN, SurfME, Brozerly, Drivy, Ignitive, Maybe, Allassa, Gumroad, HelloSubs, Huddle, PhotoNest, CityMapper, Gowalla, Ulule, Hyves, One+One, Native, Minoan, Neardesk, worked on GoogleGlass & Tango, and spent time at Boardriders, Compass Group, Shell, and Hertz. He also runs workshops for SMB’s (with the CCI-NA), and Advises a few chosen startups a year. He believes in sharing before receiving, spends his spare time crafting children’s books and refuels by hiking, slacklining, traveling, taking photos of doors, and paying it forward. Drop me line anytime.